1351 Jolly Lane
Rapid City, SD 57703


Involvement at 4 levels of relationship

    1. Attender
    2. An Attender is a regular attender to WOH services/events who has not yet entered a Family Member relationship with WOH. There are many ways that Attenders to Word of Hope can serve in the ministry of the church.
    3. Family Member
    4. A Family Member is a Christian who believes in the mission of WOH, is committed to being an active member in the church as demonstrated by entering into covenant with the WOH church family.

Family Member Covenant

      Having received Christ as my Lord and Savior and having been baptized, I, [name] now unite with the Word of Hope church family. I therefore covenant with God and the Word of Hope family that I will do the following:

1. I will strive for Spiritual Maturity

...by developing a daily time of personal prayer and Bible study

...by participating consistently in a WOH small group

...by faithfully attending worship services at WOH

2. I will protect the unity of my church

...by acting in love toward others and refusing to gossip

...by actively supporting the purpose, vision, core values and leadership of WOH

3. I will share the responsibility of my church

...by praying for its growth and inviting the unchurched to attend

...by serving in a ministry at WOH

...by financially supporting the ministry of WOH.

    1. Family Builder
    2. A Family Builder is a WOH Family member who has made a personal commitment to advanced spiritual growth, discipleship, and ongoing service at WOH according to personal SHAPE.

Family Builder Covenant
I [name], having committed myself to continued spiritual growth, discipleship and ongoing service at Word of Hope, hereby covenant with my brothers and sisters in Christ at Word of Hope that I...

...am a Word of Hope Family Member in good standing,

...will apply Biblical principles of godly behavior to the best of my ability, God being my Helper.

...am committed to faithful financial support of my local church with an aim to fulfill the biblical principle of the tithe,

...have identified my personal SHAPE and am serving in a ministry accordingly,

...have adopted and support the Basic Beliefs of Word of Hope.

    1. Family Leader
    2. A Family Leader is a WOH Family Builder who has made a personal commitment to the health and growth of the Word of Hope family, to actively advance the Kingdom of God through servant-leadership in Word of Hope, and to model Christianity through a godly lifestyle.

Family Leader Covenant

      As a Family Builder in good standing, I desire to express my commitment to my church and my Lord in a greater way. As God enables me, I covenant with my Word of Hope family to


      1.Do all I can to actively advance the Kingdom of God.
      2.Do all I can to help our church be healthy and grow strong.
      3. Be a servant-leader in our church by modeling healthy spirituality and Christian maturity to the best of my ability in dependence on God.
      4. To abide by the membership commitments of The Wesleyan Church as biblical guidelines for my conduct as a Family Leader.
      5. To continually develop myself as a servant-leader.
      6. To use prayerful wisdom, counsel, cooperation and biblical principles in any and all decisions that I am entrusted with on behalf of Word of Hope